Raj Abhisar Agarwal is a recent graduate from the University of Delhi.

How Raj Abhisar Grew to 20K Followers?

Published: 05:50AM 11 September 2021

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Alfisha Sabri

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We had a conversation with Raj Abhisar Agarwal, an economics student turned influencer, who in the last eight months went from zero to 20k followers by creating content on simplified finance. This is his story.

Raj started an Instagram page to share newly acquired knowledge with the world.
Raj started an Instagram page to share newly acquired knowledge with the world.

The first pandemic-induced lockdown gave us a chance to revamp our old and new talents and hobbies. Raj used this time to read and learn about finances, the stock market, and investment, and in doing so, found his passion. He started sharing his newfound knowledge with his friends and family who after a point got tired of hearing about finance, thus in order to share this knowledge with like-minded people and to find a platform to do the same, Raj opened his Instagram page. Read on to know about the tricks that paved his road to success.    

  1. Be Consistent
“I am not a tech-savvy person at all. Initially, it wasn’t working for me but I just knew I have to be consistent.”

Raj believes that one thing that works in favor of the algorithm, no matter what, is posting consistently. Even with his busy schedule, Raj made it a point to post once every 24 hours when he first started.

2. Organize and Plan Your Week

Raj follows an interesting schedule to maintain consistency. He pens down ideas that strike him as and when they do. The one day he sits and shoots all 6-7 videos, switching T-shirts for each. The next day, he edits them all and posts them gradually. Perhaps a true example of the triumph of smart work over hard work.  

3. Create Content that is Shareable

“The key is to create content that people would want to share with their friends.”

Educating people about financial matters, while keeping them engaged can be a difficult task.

“People are usually there on Instagram for entertainment and not for knowledge.”

Therefore, Raj tries to narrow down the basic idea of his topic to simple pointers that just induce the intended idea in the viewer’s brain. People who wish to learn more about the said idea often DM Raj and here,  he shares more information with them. This way he also gets a chance to engage with his followers on a one-to-one basis, while putting out simple information that is easily understandable and shareable. When a person shares something with their friends, the friends might share further and your page gains followers and views.

Raj grew his page from zero to 20K followers.
Raj grew his page from zero to 20K followers.

4. Keep In Touch with Instagram Trends

We all know that the Instagram algorithm works in mysterious ways. However, a creator can make the most of it while experimenting with the current trends. Raj advises all creators to keep themselves updated about the most recent trends and recreate as many of them as possible in their particular fields. This way, your content shows up with other content in a similar trend.

5. Experiment with Different IG Tools

From experience, Raj tells us that Instagram reels have worked quite well for him instead of posts that consumed a lot of time in making and editing the graphics.

He regularly puts quizzes on his stories that serve a dual purpose. His followers learn something new, and their responses favor his engagement.

Posting stories regularly also reaches more people than posting on the feed.

Live sessions with other creators work massively to increase your followers because followers of one creator follow another’s page because of the Live session.

6. Interact with Your Audience

Raj ensures that he replies to each and every DM that he receives, except for unnecessary hateful remarks. He tells us that interacting with your audience is very important, only then will they believe what you are teaching and share your content further. Moreover, trust-building also proves to be beneficial when a creator comes out with a new initiative, in Raj’s case, his e-book or one-to-one sessions. His followers will also trust him in the future if he ever comes up with monetized courses.

Raj is currently an Economics postgraduate student at Boston University.
Raj is currently an Economics postgraduate student at Boston University. 

Although Raj's job as an online financial educator does not align with his field of study or his larger career goals, he has made this an important part of his life. His aim, he says, is to add value to people’s lives, to improve their financial situations by educating them about the field. Raj faces several challenges like not being taken too seriously because of his young age, receiving unnecessary hate, or managing the page with his hectic University schedule. Nevertheless, he wishes to continue learning, teaching, and expanding both his knowledge and his audience.  

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