Gas and Belching during PCOS - Foods that can help

Published: 11:35AM 17 April 2023

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Jayti Shah

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age. It is characterized by the formation of small cysts in the ovaries and an imbalance of hormones, leading to various symptoms such as irregular periods, acne, weight gain, and excessive hair growth.

Another common symptom of PCOS is gas and belching, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. In this article, we will explore the causes of gas and belching in PCOS and the foods that can help alleviate these symptoms.

Causes of Gas and Belching in PCOS

The exact cause of gas and belching in PCOS is not fully understood. However, several factors may contribute to these symptoms, including:

1.Slow digestion: Women with PCOS often have slow digestion, which can lead to the accumulation of gas in the intestines and stomach.

2. Hormonal imbalance: PCOS is characterized by an imbalance of hormones, including insulin and androgens, which can affect digestion and lead to gas and belching.

3. Poor dietary habits: Eating a diet high in processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugar can cause digestive problems and lead to gas and belching.

Foods that Can Help with Gas and Belching in PCOS

If you are struggling with gas and belching in PCOS, making changes to your diet may help alleviate these symptoms. Here are some foods that can help:

1.Fiber-rich foods: Foods that are high in fiber can help improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

2. Probiotic-rich foods: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating. Foods that are high in probiotics include yogurt, curd, kefir, etc.

3. Ginger: Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help reduce gas and bloating. You can add fresh ginger to your meals, drink ginger tea, or take ginger supplements.

4. Peppermint: Peppermint is a natural anti-spasmodic and can help relieve gas and bloating. You can drink peppermint tea or take peppermint supplements.

5. Fennel: Fennel is a natural digestive aid and can help reduce gas and bloating. You can add fennel seeds to your meals, drink fennel tea, or take fennel supplements.

6. Lemon water: Drinking lemon water can help improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning.

In addition to these foods, it is also important to avoid foods that can worsen gas and belching in PCOS. Some of these foods include:

1.Processed foods: Processed foods are high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, which can cause digestive problems and lead to gas and bloating.

2. Refined carbohydrates: Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, and rice, can cause digestive problems and lead to gas and bloating.

3. Sugar: Sugar can cause digestive problems and lead to gas and bloating.

4. Dairy: Some women with PCOS are sensitive to dairy products and may experience digestive problems after consuming them.

5. Fried foods: Fried foods are high in unhealthy fats and can cause digestive problems and lead to gas and bloating.


Gas and belching are common symptoms of PCOS, and can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Slow digestion, hormonal imbalances, and poor dietary habits can contribute to these symptoms. However, making changes to your diet can help alleviate gas and belching in PCOS. Fiber-rich foods, probiotic-rich foods, ginger, peppermint, fennel, chamomile, and lemon water can all help improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating.

On the other hand, it is important to avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates, sugar, dairy, and fried foods, which can worsen digestive problems and lead to gas and bloating. By incorporating these foods into your diet and avoiding problematic foods, you can help alleviate gas and belching in PCOS and improve your overall digestive health. As always, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you have persistent digestive problems or other symptoms related to PCOS.

Jayti Shah is a Clinical Nutritionist with a master's degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a member of the Indian Dietetic Association (IDA). Over the last 9 years, she has helped 400 clients in their clinical and weight loss journeys. She works with SocialBoat as a nutrition consultant.

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