Eshan's extraordinary wieght-loss journey.

Eshan Jain: Shedding 25 kgs in a Year

Published: 12:57PM 09 March 2022

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Alfisha Sabri

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This story is not one of overnight success, it wasn’t with the help of a magic pill. The results were not from a fad diet or a product from an infomercial. Eshan Jain’s journey has been more like a roller coaster ride of trials, many errors, and a collection of small milestones along the way, eventually leading to more than he ever expected to gain.

The top performer of the first week of SocialBoat’s challenge, Eshan started his fitness journey just about a year ago and now, there is no stopping him. When the second wave of the pandemic hit, Eshan was going through a rough time in his personal and professional life. Soon after, he decided to spend time working on himself and made a list of things that he wanted to do. Working out daily had a positive impact on his life and he started feeling much more energetic and motivated.

Eshan in January 2021.
Eshan in January 2021.
A recent picture of Eshan's.
A recent picture of Eshan's.

Eshan has lost 25 kgs since he started his fitness journey in January 2021. In a conversation with SocialBoat, he shares some insights from his experience that will help beginners to achieve their fitness goals.

1. Find something that gives you motivation from within.

To begin, one must find a reason to motivate themselves.
To begin, one must find a reason to motivate themselves.

Eshan says that you need to find that one drive that will keep pushing you, no matter what! He suggests that it should be something personal, a motivation that comes from within.

“For me, it was an emotional time when I decided to work on myself and using that as a driver I have come a long way, making me a better version of myself ”

2. Spend time with yourself.

Many positive changes came in Eshan's life after adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Many positive changes came in Eshan's life after adopting a healthier lifestyle. 

According to Eshan, one of the major advantages of working out religiously is that it helps you spend time with yourself. You can use this time to reflect on your personal and professional lives and think them through.

“This is how I eventually decided my fitness and life goals - what I want to look like, what areas I want to work on, etc. Fitness gave me confidence and a new beginning. My head was clearer and I started seeing my future five-ten years down the line.”

3. Begin with self-workout.

Eshan began his journey with self-workout.
Eshan began his journey with self-workout.

Even though expert training is essential to fulfil one’s fitness goals, Eshan suggests that one should start working out on their own, by using YouTube videos and other such tutorials.

“This is a good way to understand what your body needs and likes then move towards working on specific parts.”

When Eshan started out, he used relatable and reliable content on the internet to plan out his fitness routine. Only when he had understood what worked best for him, he started consulting a fitness trainer.

4. Small lifestyle changes matter.

Fitness isn't just about working out, it is about changing small things every day.
Fitness isn't just about working out, it is about changing small things every day.
“For me, fitness is a lifestyle change and that's what is most essential. Small things like drinking enough water every day, waking up early, having a regular sleeping pattern, these things go a long way.”

Eshan thinks that a fit lifestyle can begin by inculcating small habits which are like small stepping stones towards your larger objective. Even one small step towards ones goal matter equally.

5. Use the resources at your disposal.

Internet has been a great resource for Eshan.
Internet has been a great resource for Eshan.

For Eshan, the Internet has been a central source of information throughout his fitness journey. He started out by watching videos online, drawing motivation from fitness influencers on Instagram, and learning more and more from the resources available there.

“Social media helped me in coming across amazing fitness influencers whose videos I watched and blogs I read. They helped me correct all that I was doing wrong.”

For beginners, Eshan suggests following ekansh_taneja_fitness, a page that not only motivated him but also helped him plan out and monitor his progress.

Starting with fitness was difficult, but once he began, Eshan started enjoying it.
Starting with fitness was difficult, but once he began, Eshan started enjoying it. 

Eshan concludes by saying that initially taking time out for fitness might look difficult but once you begin you will enjoy the adrenaline rush so much that you will find the time for it, no matter what.

¨I train to be the best in the world on my worst day.¨
– Ronda Rousey

As for 2022, Eshan’s goal remains to be consistent with his workout routine, and keep going forward in his fitness journey.

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