Aditi wants to be fit and healthy for as long as she lives.

Aditi Ghai: Working Towards Long-Term Fitness Goals

Published: 11:30AM 01 June 2022

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Alfisha Sabri

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Who doesn’t want to live fit and healthy for as long as they live? All of us have that goal. In fact, it is ideally the ultimate fitness goal- to make your body strong and immune. However, oftentimes, with the hullabaloo of every day and amidst the smaller fitness goals, we forget about our long-term goals. Aditi Ghai isn’t one of those people.

Aditi’s prime goal is to maintain her fitness and build her strength. Gradually, through challenges and through the ups and downs of life, she has been trying to accomplish that.  

The Ups and Downs of Life

She has gotten through many challenges in her life by working out.
She has gotten through many challenges in her life by working out.

During her school days, Aditi had taken to an unhealthy lifestyle and put on unwanted weight. This had made her lazy. During her college years, she revived her old active self by working out and running and shedding those extra kgs within a span of a few months.

After her marriage, Aditi joined the gym and started weightlifting, continuing her workout with complete dedication.

Some years later, she again gained weight during pregnancy. Being the dedicated fitness enthusiast that she is, she worked out and shed it again.


Aditi is a part of the cycling group 'Faridabad Roadies.'
Aditi is a part of the cycling group 'Faridabad Roadies.'

Aditi started cycling with an MTB, riding in the streets first. As her passion for cycling developed further, she joined a group of cycling enthusiasts called ‘Faridabad Roadies.’ They organised some of their rides on rough terrains and Aditi started participating as much as she could.

“I became more and more interested with time. Riding with them, I improved my speed.”

As opposed to cycling that Aditi enjoys with a group, she enjoys running and weightlifting as solo activities where is able to spend time with herself.

How Years of Dedicated Workout Has Helped Aditi

Working out consistently has helped Aditi build her strength.
Working out consistently has helped Aditi build her strength.

Working out continuously for 15 years, Aditi has developed her strength over the years. She feels fitter every day. Her energy, in fact, remains the same as it was in her early twenties.

“Even after 2 caesareans, I can run, cycle, lifetime weights, all of it, without any issue at all."

For new mothers, Aditi’s advice is to listen to what your body is saying. If your body experiences unpleasant consequences from certain workouts such as extreme running, cycling, and weightlifting, then you must stop. If that isn’t the case, working out to rebuild your strength and body is essential, even and especially for women.

Aditi’s mantra for life is simple and important-

“You should enjoy what you're doing."

And she enjoys working out for fitness. She does not believe in fancy diets or supplements, only healthy everyday food keeps her fit.

Aditi enjoys cycling thoroughly and she has been improving her speed.
Aditi enjoys cycling thoroughly and she has been improving her speed.

Being a mother of two children, Aditi's responsibilities have increased over the years and her schedule has become very hectic. But she makes sure to dedicate her morning hours to working out. She is also an Administration Manager and hence is occupied by work during the day hours.

Aditi tells us that her children look at her and learn.

"They are so excited when I win races. Given a chance, they would go to the gym and start working out today."

You can find Aditi and more about her journey at @aditighai22.

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