5 Pre-workout drinks that are Homemade

5 Pre-workout drinks that are Homemade

Published: 06:29AM 05 December 2022

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Jayti Shah

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Pre-workout drinks are a simple way to give your body the nutrients it needs to fulfill the demands of your exercise. Fueling up for a workout is crucial. Being properly fueled ultimately aids in your recovery process by preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue through timely nutrition supplemental intake.

Meals consumed before exercising are crucial to any fitness regimen. Eating the appropriate foods prior to working out will enhance your exercises, speed up your results, and help you get closer to your fitness and health goals.

What are the benefits of pre-workout drinks?

A pre-workout meal can improve your performance and speed up your recovery, which can greatly affect your outcomes. You'll have energy and attention throughout and after your workout if you fuel your body with wholesome foods. Eating the correct nutrients can enhance recuperation and assist in muscle growth and maintenance.

Pre-workout drink (Image courtesy - iStock photo)

When should you consume a pre-workout drink?

Your pre-exercise meal's timing can have an impact on how you feel both during and after your workout. It may also affect your capacity to train at your best. Consume a pre-workout meal at least 20 to 30 minutes prior to beginning your workout.

Five homemade pre-workout beverages to boost your energy levels are listed in this article:

  • 2 large banana
  • ½ cup chopped apple
  • 2 tablespoons honey or brown sugar
  • ½ to 3/4 cup milk


  1. Add the banana chunks, apple pieces, and honey in a blender jar.
  2. Add milk.
  3. Now blenderize everything together till you form a smooth puree.
  4. Check the consistency. If it is too thick, add more milk to dilute it and blend it again for 5 seconds.
  5. Pour it into serving glasses.

BENEFITS: The adaptable fruit banana is rich in vitamins, minerals, and high-energy carbohydrates. Consuming bananas prior to and throughout lengthy, intense workouts can improve exercise performance.

Apple banana smoothie (Image courtesy - iStock photo)



  1. 1 beetroot, peeled and chopped
  2. A handful of fresh mint leaves
  3. 1 tablespoon lime juice
  4. A pinch of pink Himalayan salt
  5. 1-inch ginger


  1. Blend the beetroot, mint leaves, and ginger and transfer them to a glass.
  2. Add lime juice and pink Himalayan salt to it.
  3. Stir well and drink.

BENEFITS: One of the healthiest vegetables, beets are rich in nutrients. Nitrate, which is present in beetroot juice, enhances athletic performance. When combined with lime juice and Himalayan salt, this sweet vegetable gives you energy and tastes fantastic.

Mint beetroot juice (Image courtesy - iStock photo)



  1. 2 teaspoons instant coffee powder
  2. 1 glass of hot water


  1. Add hot water to the instant coffee powder
  2. Stir well and drink.

BENEFITS: Caffeine which is an energizer is found abundantly in coffee. When consumed in moderation, caffeine has no negative effects. However, energy drinks often contain large amounts of it, which could be harmful to your health. According to a study, consuming tea or coffee in moderation enhances the physical activity and boosts energy levels.

Instant coffee (Image courtesy - iStock photo)



  1. 1 cup chopped orange
  2. ¼ cup green grapes
  3. 1 cup chopped sweet-lime
  4. 2 tablespoons lime juice
  5. 1 tablespoon honey


  1. Add the chopped orange, sweet lime, and grapes into a blender. Blend well.
  2. Pour it into a glass. Add lime juice and honey.
  3. Stir well and drink.

BENEFITS: Vitamin C can be found in abundance in oranges, sweet lime, and lime juice. The natural sugars in grapes are abundant, giving your body the glucose it needs for exercise.

Orange grape sweet lime juice (Image courtesy - iStock photo)



  1. 300 mL coconut water
  2. 2 tablespoons chopped coconut
  3. 1 tsp lime juice
  4. A few mint leaves


  1. Add the coconut water, mint leaves, and chopped coconut into a blender. Blend well.
  2. Pour it into a glass. Add lime juice.
  3. Stir well and drink.

BENEFITS: Coconut water regulates your body's electrolyte content and aids in replacing lost salts. Research has shown that rehydrating the body after exercise using coconut water can be quite successful.

Coconut lemon mint water (Image courtesy - iStock photo)


To conclude, during your workout, a prepared pre-workout beverage might increase your strength and endurance. There are numerous choices, including coffee, beet juice, and coconut lemon mint water.

Jayti Shah is a Clinical Nutritionist with a master's degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a member of the Indian Dietetic Association (IDA). Over the last 9 years, she has helped 400 clients in their clinical and weight loss journeys. She works with SocialBoat as a nutrition consultant. We hope this article helps you to understand pre-workout drinks and how can they be prepared with readily available ingredients at home.

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