5 Healthy Dessert Recipes for your Fitness Goals

5 Healthy Dessert Recipes for your Fitness Goals

Published: 07:20AM 15 November 2022

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Jayti Shah

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Usually, desserts are treated as sweets which are linked to weight gain and obesity. Since it is loaded with saturated fats, refined sugar, and refined flour, it has the tendency to cause heart-related diseases, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

What is the definition of a healthy dessert?

Healthy desserts generally comprise of

  1. Fruits
  2. Whole flour instead of refined flour
  3. Dates, or jaggery instead of white refined sugar
  4. Curd or yogurt instead of whipped cream or full-fat cream

They should not contain any artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors. It should satiate your sugar cravings and at the same time does not make you feel bloated.

Here is a list of five easy-to-prepare desserts that can be enjoyed guilt-free.



· 4-5 ripe bananas

· 2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder

· ¼ cup seedless dates (soaked for 1 hour in hot water)

· 1 tsp chocolate essence


· Peel the bananas and chop them into thin slices. Freeze them overnight in a zip lock bag or an airtight container.

· In a mixer jar, add the frozen bananas, cocoa powder, seedless dates, and chocolate essence and blend into a smooth mixture. (Do not use water or milk)

·Now pour the mixture into an airtight box, cover it with a cling wrap and refrigerate for at least 10-12 hours.

· Scoop out the ice cream into the serving bowl and serve it with your favorite dry fruits.

Banana chocolate ice cream (Image courtesy - iStock photo)

Nutrition information per serving

Calories – 109kcal, Proteins – 4g, Carbohydrates – 13g, Fat – 3g



· ¼ ghee

· ¾ cup ghee

· ¼ cup jaggery powder or jaggery

· ¼ cup whole wheat flour


· In a pan, add water. Allow it to boil. Now add the jaggery and cook it till it completely melts.

· Now in another pan, add ghee, and let it heat on a low flame.

· Now add the flour and cook it till it changes its color to brown with a nice aroma.

· Now add the jaggery water while stirring it continuously to avoid any lump formation.

· Now cook it till the ghee is released from the flour.

· Serve it garnished with some chopped almonds and walnuts.

Nutrition information per serving

Calories – 137kcal, Proteins – 2g, Carbohydrates – 28g, Fat – 3g

Kada prashad (Image courtesy - iStock photo)



· 1 cup beaten curd

· 6-7 roughly crushed walnuts

· 3-4 chopped seedless dates

· ½ cup chopped chikoo or custard apple


· In a bowl, add 1 cup of beaten add, walnuts, dates, and fruit.

· Now mix it well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes and serve chilled.

Nutrition information per serving

Calories – 64 kcal, Proteins – 3.9g, Carbohydrates – 12g, Fat – 2g

Date fruits delight (Image courtesy - iStock photo)


· 2 grated medium-sized carrots

· 2 tsp ghee

· 3-4 chopped cashews

· 1 cup of milk

· 2 pinches of cardamom powder

· Jaggery powder according to taste


· In a pan, add ghee. Roast the cashews till golden brown.

· Now add the carrots and let them cook till they get soft. Now add milk.

· Cover and cook it till the mixture thicken.

· Then add cardamom powder.

· Now add jaggery powder.

· Cook it for another two minutes. Serve.

Nutrition information per serving

Calories – 57kcal, Proteins – 3.2g, Carbohydrates – 9.4g, Fat – 10g

Gajar ka halwa (Image courtesy - iStock photo)


· ¾ cup rolled oats

· 3 cups cow’s milk

· ¾ cup finely chopped banana

· Jaggery powder according to taste


· Heat the milk in a pan.

· Now add oats and cook for two minutes while stirring continuously.

· Now add the jaggery powder and cook it for another minute.

· Now let it cool down.

· Then add the banana and allow it to refrigerate for 30 minutes.

· Serve chilled.

Nutrition information per serving

Calories – 125 kcal, Proteins – 7.5g, Carbohydrates – 19 g, Fat – 2.5g

Oats banana phirni (Image courtesy - iStock photo)

Jayti Shah is a Clinical Nutritionist with a master's degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a member of the Indian Dietetic Association (IDA). Over the last 9 years, she has helped 400 clients in their clinical and weight loss journeys. She works with SocialBoat as a nutrition consultant. We hope this article helps you to prepare easy and healthy desserts at home by simply replacing unhealthy ingredients with healthier versions.

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